High Tech

Guard Against Intellectual Piracy and Personnel Poaching with Privacy Bee

  • Keep Prying Eyes Off of Prized IP

    Staying at the forefront of the High Tech industry means being at the leading edge of innovation. That’s why High Tech is a favorite target of IP thieves at home and abroad. With Privacy Bee, High Tech organizations can enforce a Proactive Data privacy Policy, ensuring all workstations - on site and at remote locations - are prevented from interacting with sites/entities online where the risk is higher that sensitive data could be accessed by hostile competitors or the thieves who’d sell them access to your IP.

    Review Your Company’s Data Exposure

  • Protect Human Resources in a Cutthroat Field

    Stop headhunters before they have the chance to entice your most critical resource out from under you. Keep productivity high and reduce costly staff turnover by embracing good data hygiene with Privacy Bee. IT and High Tech jobs are always in extreme short supply, even during recessionary periods. With Privacy Bee’s Data Broker Removal functions, you’ll remove your workforce from the lists purchased by thousands of staffing suppliers and HR departments. Learn More About Solutions to Curb Employee Poaching

  • Safeguarding Reputation Means More in High Tech

    Reputation is important in any field. But in High Tech, falling victim to data breaches or other cybercrimes can be devastating to your sales prospects’ impressions of your strength and capabilities. That’s why using Privacy Bee to ensure external data privacy and reduce third-party vulnerability through vendor risk management practices is mission-critical for High Tech industry organizations.

    Protect Your Business with Vulnerability Monitoring

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