Financial Services

Financial Data is More Valuable than Gold to Cybercriminals

  • Reduce Exposure to Cyber Attacks in a High Value Industry

    Notorious bank robber Willie Sutton once said he robbed banks because, “That’s where the money is”. Today’s “Willie Suttons” know that there’s far more value in gaining digital access to bank customers’ accounts than there is in sticking up a single branch with a gun. Today’s robbers use social engineering to trick bank employees online, drain customer accounts, or deploy ransomware attacks to extort princely sums. Privacy Bee has tools for financial institutions to remove their workforce from all online sources of data cybercriminals use to perpetrate spear phishing and other social engineering crimes.

    Explore Defend Against Employee Data Exposures

  • Outperform the Security Mandated by Regulatory Bodies

    Financial services companies - investment advisories, retail and institutional banks, FinTech companies, credit lenders, etc. - are the most highly regulated businesses in America. Regulations and laws mandated by Sarbanes Oxley (SOX), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and other regulatory bodies are strictly monitored and enforced. Adding Privacy Bee to a financial institution’s data governance policy helps achieve and maintain a robust compliance posture.

    Discover How PrivaceBee Improves Data Governance

  • Protect Competitive Advantage in Crowded Markets

    There are few things more damaging to brand reputation for a financial company than being disgraced by allowing customers’ data or assets to be compromised by cyber attacks. With so many competitive offerings available to consumers, the cost of shoddy information security doesn’t end with the preliminary loss. Is your external data security compromised?

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